Meet our Advisory Committee

Matthew’s advisory committee will help advise District Attorney-elect on policy decisions, ensuring that a wide range of opinions and ideas are represented and included in his incoming administration. 

The Advisory Committee includes:

Martin Zummach, Committee Chair and Legal Counsel

Mike Hurst, Former, Trump Appointed, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi.

Thomas Tuggle, DeSoto County Sheriff-elect, Marine, and former Lt. Colonel of the Mississippi Highway Patrol

Chief Shane Ellis, Hernando Police Chief

Senator Kevin Blackwell, Mississippi State Senator

Michele Henley, DeSoto County School Board Member and small business owner

Senator Michael McLendon, Mississippi State Senator

Rodney Hall, Mississippi State Representative-elect and prosecutor

Robert Foster, County Supervisor-elect, former State Representative, and small business owner

Kit Kitchens, Realtor and small business owner

Jordan Brumbelow, Former Legislative Director for Delbert Hosemann and campaign veteran